Transforming challenges into solutions through innovation and dedication.

Our Mission

The mission of nLogic nAbles is to give nLogic employees a means to contribute to an employee-operated, charitable organization that applies 100% of donated funds to financial grants to employee-selected, local, qualified, 501(c)(3)non-profit organizations assisting those in need in our total nLogic employee community.

Our Impact

To date, nLogic nAbles has provided $257,750.00 grants to deserving organizations in our community. Some non-profits include Harris for Home for Children, Kids to Love, Greengate School, Manna House, United Cerebral Palsy, Huntsville Hospital Foundation, Hospice Family Care, Community Free Dental Clinic, New Hope Children's Clinic, and Still Serving Veterans.


Eligible 501(c)(3) Charitable Organizations Read the news stories about how nLogic employees have given back to the community by contributing to local 501(c)(3) charities who serve those in need.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to give back to our employees' local communities by supporting local 501(c)(3) charities who serve those in need in our communities.

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