Grant Information

nLogic nAbles is a non-profit corporation with the mission to provide financial support to local non-profit, 501(c)(3) organizations designed to aid those in need. nLogic employees, through nLogic nAbles, strive to serve the community by sharing their time and resources to support the needs of the community. nLogic nAbles is funded by employees of nLogic and is administered by the employees through a volunteer nLogic nAbles Board of Directors.

Eligible non-profit, 501(c)(3) organizations may apply for an nLogic nAbles grant by submitting an application based on the following information and instructions:


  • Must be a non-profit organization recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and contributions shall be deductible by donors under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Must be a community-based organization operating in the area of an nLogic employee’s residence.
  • Services rendered by agency must be open to all members of the community regardless of sex, race, religion, political affiliation, ability to pay or background.
  • Religious organizations able to provide services to people regardless of their religious beliefs. Example: A food bank that is a separate 501(c)(3) organization, supported by a church or religious organization that provides food to anyone who qualifies for services, regardless of religious belief.


  • Non-profit without a current 501(c)(3) status,
  • Individuals,
  • Private Foundations,
  • Public or Private Educational Institutions,
  • Tax Supported Institutions,
  • Social Organizations/Committees,
  • Religious organizations without a secular community designation (i.e. those without a separate 501(c)(3) organization, separate from a church or religious organization, that provides food, clothing, or assistance to anyone who qualifies for services, regardless of religious belief).

Application Instructions

  • Applications for grants must be submitted on a nLogic nAbles Application form.
  • The forms must be complete and signed by an authorized official as well as the Board President or Chairperson of the applying organization 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Additional information (brochures, letters, etc.) about the applying organization 501(c)(3) organization may be attached to the application.

Application Process

  • Grant applications must be completed, signed and returned by mail or delivered in person to:
    • nLogic
    • Attn: nLogic nAbles Grant Application
    • 4955 Corporate Drive, Suite 102
    • Huntsville, AL 35805
  • Applications may be submitted at any time. Applications must be submitted before the deadline for a specific quarterly grant to be considered for that grant.
  • All applications are subject to an initial screening for eligibility and to ensure required information has been submitted.
  • Applying organizations should be prepared to receive a visit from a nLogic nAble Representative, for the purpose of a “fact finding” interview.
  • Applications will remain on file from the date of receipt to six months following the first semi-annual award and eligible organizations will automatically recomplete during this period if a grant is not awarded for their initial application.
  • Organizations selected to receive an nLogic nAbles semi-annual grant will be ineligible for additional consideration for twelve months.