nLogic nAbles is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides a means for nLogic employees to give back to charities operating in communities where they live. nAbles grants, awarded to local 501(c)(3) charities, are funded by employees’ voluntary contributions through payroll deductions and/or direct cash donations. nLogic provided the resources to form nAbles as a 501(c)(3) corporation, and continues to provide enabling infrastructure support such as this website, email service, and payroll contribution collections. All other nAbles business and operation is conducted by volunteer nLogic employees serving on the Board of Directors and serving on functional committees.
nAbles is operated under formal Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws in total compliance with the rules and regulations imposed by the Internal Revenue Service. Eligible grant candidates – also IRS-certified 501(c)(3) organizations – may apply directly to the nAbles Board of Directors or be sponsored by nLogic employees. The Grant Application Form may be found at this website. Selection of grant winners is made through a vote of nAbles-contributing nLogic employees.
Current nLogic nAbles Board of Directors:
President: Kevin Langjahr
Vice President: Lynda Hoagland
Secretary/Treasurer: Michael Feld
Member: Melissa Davis
Member: Joe Paschall
All nAbles Board members are volunteers, donating their time to this worthy cause. They agreed to complete a minimum one year term to establish nAbles and bring it to a fully operational state. They have the option of voluntarily extending their support beyond that period of time. The Board nominally has five volunteer members. If you are interested in volunteering as a Board Member, Functional Committee Lead, or assisting nAbles in some way, please contact one of the listed Board members.